The Black Panther is a superhero in the Marvel universe. T’Challa returns to Wakanda to become king after his father’s death. Wakanda is hidden from the rest of the world. It’s [ … ]
Tag: Kids
Harry Potter – Gryffindor Costume Ideas
In Harry Potter, once a new student enters into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry they are to put the sorting hat on. The sorting hat will sort them [ … ]
Christmas Santa Grinch Costume Ideas for Adults and Kids
Why do we need to celebrate Christmas? Maybe the Grinch has it all right. Do away with gifts, festivities, all this laughing. The grinch perfers everyone to be miserable and [ … ]
Holiday Christmas Caroler Costume
Another great thing about Christmas and the festive season are the Christmas songs. If you love travelling in a group around the neighborhood and belting out your favourite Christmas tunes, [ … ]
Harry Potter Cedric Hufflepuff Costume
Cedric Diggory is a character in the book created into a movie Harry Potter. Cedric belongs to one of the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in [ … ]
Wreck It Ralph Vanellope Costume Ideas
Vanellope is a fictional character in the Disney movie Wreck It Ralph. Vanellope was a princess in the video game Sugar Rush. At some point, Turbo another video game character [ … ]
Wreck-it Ralph Costume Ideas for Everyone
Ralph is a fictional character in the Disney movie Wreck-It Ralph. The first movie which came out in 2012 and got nominations for the Golden Globes and Academy award for [ … ]
Easter Bunny Costumes for Kids
This Easter dress up your kid in a Easter Bunny costume. Let them hop around in the bunny costume while you hide chocolates in different locations. Then they can hop [ … ]
Stranger Things Eleven Punk Costume
Eleven is a fictional character in the Netflix show Stranger Things. She’s always been held in captivity and told what to do. She was captured in a lab where experiments [ … ]
Netflix Stranger Things Eleven Pink Dress Costume Ideas
Eleven is a fictional character in the Netflix show Stranger Things. Once I started watching the show, I couldn’t stop. The show surrounds kids and their adventures but also has [ … ]