Eleven, also known as Elle, is the main character in the Netflix series Stranger Things. She spent most of her life in a lab because her powers were being studied. Eleven was adopted by Jim Hopper in Season 2 and lives with him. He’s suffering in the first few episodes because she’s always hanging out with her new boyfriend – Mike in her room. Jim doesn’t like that Eleven always has Mike over. Mike’s friends don’t like that he’s not hanging out with the group anymore. When Eleven dumped Mike, she started hanging out with Max more and having more girl time, they hang out at the Starcourt mall. After the breakup, Mike spent more time with his friends, Will, Dustin and the others. When her friends are in trouble, she uses her super powers to attack the Demogorgon. The Demogorgon built and army to destroy her and almost does. I won’t disclose anymore spoilers and let you watch the show. Stranger Things is sooooo gooood, you must watch it! Find the best Stranger Things Eleven Costume season 3 ideas below. Click here to find more Stranger Things costumes.
Stranger Things Eleven Costume Season 3
Stranger Things Eleven Costume Season 3 You’re all dressed up to explore Starcourt Mall on Halloween in a Stranger Things Mall Eleven Costume for adults! This short-sleeve black romper features colorful 80-style geometric designs similar to the one Eleven wears on the show. You can pair this romper with shoes and socks (sold separately) to complete the look. Dress up as your favorite Stranger Things character or join a group costume with this 1-piece jumper! Click here to get Eleven Costume. | Stranger Things Eleven Costume Season 3 This Demogoron has nothing on you. You can dress up as Eleven from Stranger things and rip it to shreds. Click here to get Eleven Costume for kids. |
Eleven Costume Season 3 Your little one can explore Starcourt Mall on Halloween in a Stranger Things Mall Eleven Costume for kids! This short-sleeve black romper features colorful 80-style geometric designs similar to the one Eleven wears on the show. You can pair this romper with shoes and socks (sold separately) to complete the look. Dress your little one up as their favorite Stranger Things character with this costume! Click here to get the Stranger Things Eleven Costume S3. | Eleven Costume from Season 3 Stolen as a baby and raised inside Hawkin’s Lab, “Eleven” has a unique set of physic abilities, which the government have attempted to train. During your experimentation, you made inter-dimensional contact with a demogorgon, which resulting in the opening of a gateway, connecting the two dimensions. This costume will make you look just like Eleven from Stranger Things season 3! Click here to get the Stranger THings Eleven Costume |
Stranger Things Adult Eleven Costume Dress up as Eleven in this retro shirt. Take down that Demogorgon and save your friends and the world. Click here to get Stranger Things Eleven Costume Season 3 for adults. | Stranger Things Eleven Bandana You need to find someone, you need to cover your eyes with a bandana. Complete the lEleven ook with this American flag bandana. Click here to get Stranger Things Eleven Bandana. |