Kylo Ren is a fictional character in the movie Star Wars – The Force Awakens. Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. He’s part of the First Order, Knights of Ren and was part of the New Jedi Order. In the Force Awakens, he was a trainee under his uncle Luke Skywalker. He idolized his grandfather, the fallen Sith Lord Darth Vader, and hoped to finish what Vader started: the elimination of the Jedi. As the Resistance attacked the Starkiller base, Kylo Ren encountered his father. He killed his father on the bridge and Han Solo fell to his death. Below are Kylo Ren costume ideas for kids this Halloween. Click here for more Star Wars costume ideas.
Kylo Ren Costume for Kids
Deluxe Kylo Ren Costume for Kids This Deluxe Kylo Ren costume is a great look based on the villain from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It comes with a black robe and belt, along with the signature mask. It quickly turns your child from ordinary kid, into a menace to be reckoned with in the galaxy far, far away. Click here to get the deluxe Kylo Ren Costume for kids. | Classic Kylo Ren Costume for Children Your kiddo is a total Star Wars fan. But he’s confused; wouldn’t the child of General Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa would be drawn to the light side of the Force, not…you know…become a Jedi killer? But the dark side of the Force is a complex and powerful thing, you explain, and if we know anything about Star Wars at this point, it’s that we never really know how anyone will turn out. Nature, nurture, you name it. There’s some serious stuff going on up in that galaxy far, far away, and it can turn even the best bred people totally rotten. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Star Wars villains get totally rad costumes. That’s almost enough to turn us to the dark side, too. Click here to get classic Kylo Ren Costume for children. |
Child Star Wars Force Awakens Kylo Ren Helmet This Child Star Wars Ep. 7 Kylo Ren 1/2 Helmet is your kid’s chance to be the villain from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Will your child defeat the forces of the Resistance, return to the light side of the Force, or will Rey and Finn prevail against them? Click here to get the Kylo Ren Helmet for kids. | Kylo Ren Deluxe Lightsaber We know the deep internal struggle you’ve been facing. Light side or dark side? Well, the deciding factor has to be the lightsaber. Sure, Luke’s original blue lightsaber is a classic, but there’s just something about that flashy new red saber that Kylo Ren uses in The Force Awakens. Oh, did you think we were going to talk about the Force just now? Also, it’s totally not fair that Kylo’s lightsaber has those cross guard blades. Click here to get Kylo Ren Deluxe Lightsaber. |