Winnie the Pooh is an adorable bear based on a real-life bear who was named Winnipeg. The little bear caught the hearts of so many visitors including A.A. Milne and [ … ]
Kids Captain Marvel Costume Ideas
Captain Marvel is from the Marvel universe. She is a brave and ready to use her superpowers to protect Earth and take down the forces of evil Skrulls. The Skrulls [ … ]
Adult Captain Marvel Costume Ideas
Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers in the comic books by Marvel. Who doesn’t want to be the girl super hero and finally there is another cool superhero besides Wonder Woman [ … ]
Game of Thrones Tormund Wildling Costume
Tormund is a wildling in the Game of Throne series by George R. R. Martin. They are known as the free folks who live North of the border. Ygritte and [ … ]
Game of Thrones – Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen Costume
Game of Thrones written by George R.R. Martin was an epic show. Featuring the Mother of Dragons, who I thought was the star of the show commanding her fleet of [ … ]
Game of Thrones Khal Drogo Costume
Khal Drogo is a character in the Game of Thrones series. I agree with everyone that the series was amazing up to Season 8. OMG, what a waste the last [ … ]
Harry Potter Wand for Wizards
What’s a good wizard show without some amazing magic wands. In Harry Potter movies different characters have different wands and different powers. They are made with different ingredients, materials, wood, [ … ]
Harry Potter Quidditch Costume
If you haven’t heard of Quidditch, you must have been living under a rock. Quidditch is a full-contact sport in the J.K. Rowling book Harry Potter. The sport is played [ … ]
Harry Potter Dobby Costume Ideas
Dobby is a little house elf in Harry Potter. We see him in the movies doing various maintenance housework around the castle. He was once the house-elf for the Malfoy’s [ … ]
Harry Potter Voldemort Costume Ideas
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I can only be referring to one person or evil sorcerer of all time – Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter. He does go by other names such as Lord [ … ]