Sailor Moon is a Japanese Anime TV series that features Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Luna her advisor, Artemis luna’s friend, and Tuxedo mask. The Sailor Soldiers battle villains to save Earth. The sailor soldiers are all middle school students and the show is geared towards teenaage girls. I am still obsessed with Sailor Moon, it’s the best anime there is out there for anyone to watch. I’m just going to rewatch Sailor Moon again! I love her. Find Sailor Moon costume ideas for everyone to wear.
Sailor Moon Costume Ideas
Sailor Moon Costume Wig This officially licensed, exclusive Sailor Moon Wig is the perfect accessory to help you complete your own transformation. The bright golden-blonde synthetic hair is on a mesh cap for easy fit and styled after the Moon Princess, herself. Click here to get Sailor Moon Costume Wig. | Sailor Moon Costume Boots These Sailor Moon boots will help you complete our Sailor Soldier look when out battling those evil demons. Great boots to add to your collection. Click here to get Sailor Moon Costume Boots. |
Sailor Moon Costume Necklace This is an official licensed Sailor moon costume prop. The ribbon choker has a hook and loop fastner at the back with the enameled metal crescent moon at the center. Click here to get the Sailor Moon Costume Necklace. | Sailormoon Sculpted Moon Stick This adorable accessory is a replica of the Moon Stick used by Usagi in the series, complete with the Silver Crystal, but redesigned to work as a plush toy. Get all the looks and power you’d hope while also staying snuggly! Click here to get the Sailormoon Sculpted Moon Stick. |
Sailor Moon Luna Cat Wallet Bring your advisor with you wherever you go. Keep her close in a wallet form so she can secretly help you wherever you are. Click here to get Sailor Moon Luna Cat Wallet | Sailor Moon Artemis Plush Bag Keep all your advisors close and hidden in plain sight. This is an officially licensed sailor moon product with length-adjustable shoulder straps. Click here to get Sailor Moon Artemis Plush Bag. |
Cosplay Sailor Moon Costume This is a great sailor moon costume for adults. It’s made of spandex, satin and included is the dress, gloves, socks, neck choker and head piece headband. YOu will totally transform into sailormoon herself. Click here to get Cosplay Sailor Moon Costume. | Cosplay Sailor Moon Costume for Adults Great fit Sailor Moon costume, this is a great idea as well for a costume. This includes the dress, gloves, stockings, neck choker and headband. Click here to get Cosplay Sailor Moon Costume for Adults. |
Sailor Moon Costume Design: Our designer team search the fashion elements or the latest anime character in the month, the season, the year. They will combine the concept of fashion point, surface, triangle flexible use of sections to create a vividly wig with popular color and style. Click here to get Sailormoon costume. | Sailormoon Costume Sailormoon costume includes the dress, gloves, socks, headband, neck-strap and bow. Click here to get Sailormoon Costume. |
Cosplay Sailor Moon Costume A Sailor Moon costume that is a long sleeve shirt, long skirt, bowknot. It’s a great alternative for those who don’t want to wear a short skirt for Halloween or any cosplay party they are going to. Click here to get Sailormoon Cosplay Costume. |